
Sunday 28 July 2024

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28 July, 2024Stephen ScottMeet Jesus

Meet Jesus series starts this Sunday 4 August 2024

Pastor Stephen is looking at the book of John (John 1:35-51) about putting our trust in Jesus and follow Him

What did you come to church looking for this morning? What are we searching for in life?

Come to the new series 'Meet Jesus' and maybe you’ll find the answers there.

God loves you and wants you to find fulfillment and purpose in life through Him.

Watch the You Tube video from Sunday’s 10am service to hear Pastor Stephen’s sermon. Plus you can hear Aaron speak over Communion and Bec lead Worship.

More from 'Meet Jesus'

Final Week Meet Jesus Series

15 September, 2024 Stephen Scott

Pastor Stephen leads us in the last of the Meet Jesus series, end of John’s Gospel 20:19-31

Connect in with Pastor Stephen and the 10am Sunday Service 15 September 2024.

When we meet Jesus today, we meet the Risen Jesus.

- Evidence to believe the resurrection

What difference does it make when we believe in Jesus?

- From fear to joy in the presence of Jesus (peace be with you)

We are given a mission by Jesus

- We are sent by Jesus

God wants to use each of us


Week 4 Meet Jesus Series Sun 25 August 2024

25 August, 2024 Stephen Scott

Pastor Stephen led us in The Word last Sunday.

It was exciting to see so many kids head out to kids@church. Thank you to the leaders and also to those who may consider being a part of the k@m leader team.

Pastor Stephen looked at John 11 and the story of Lazarus

But in particular looking at a person of faith in this story. Model of faith in Martha.

What is believing in Jesus look like?

On one hand it’s simple even for children, on the other hand life can get complicated or distracted from Jesus.

Faith holds us when things get tough. Jesus wants us to go to Him - to seek out Him in the joy and sorrow.

Let’s go to Jesus (Martha went to Jesus)

- Prayer is going to Jesus - when we don’t understand what going on - talk to Jesus

Jesus has a plan

- Life is not going to go to as we plan, puzzles to work through. Take our questions to Jesus.

Martha believed in Jesus with her whole heart even though things went differently to what she wanted. She looked at Jesus as her first port of call.

Connect in with the full service from Sunday on Youtub - link attached.

Come along next week and join in at 10am Father's Day Service and 6pm (for a meal and conversation about the Gospel of John)


Week 3 Meet Jesus series Sun 18 Aug 2024

18 August, 2024 Lawrie McArthur

Thank you to Laurie McArthur for joining us last Sunday and sharing the Word ... John 4:4-42 NIV





•God’s Love

•Actively seek us out

•God’s Grace

•For a personal relationship

•Hope and a future


•Belief in Jesus gives eternal life

•God reaches out, values and loves all

•Jesus is the Messiah

•Worship in spirit and truth

•Telling our story about Jesus is so powerful


•Jesus is looking for you

•Think and consider

•Drink in the living water

•Jesus is the one and only Saviour

•Come and meet Jesus

•Share your story


Week 2 Meet Jesus series 11 Aug 2024

11 August, 2024 Stephen Scott

Another great day to be in church on Sunday as we worshipped, shared in communion, studied from the Book of John, connected around coffee and biscuits (10am) and shared a meal together (6pm Meet Jesus). God is doing beautiful things in the lives of people and we continue to pray that we connect with people who don’t yet know Jesus.

This coming Sunday night would normally be our prayer night after the 6pm service but this month you are being encouraged to pray for those on your Meet Jesus card that you have been praying for already – you may choose to do this on your own or with others but there will be no prayer night here at MCC.

Let’s continue to pray for 2 people a day for 2 minutes to Meet Jesus.

If you have someone in your life who is asking questions, or is seeking answers, then invite them along to Meet Jesus—enjoy a meal together and look at a verse from John in the bible as a small group. Sunday's 6pm August and September.

Pastor Stephen looked at John 3:1-21 last Sunday.

Check out Marion Church of Christ’s Youtube channel for all the services. Attached is the link to last Sunday’s service—immerse yourself in the worship, communion and sermon.


Meet Jesus series 4 Aug 2024

4 August, 2024 Stephen Scott

Pastor Stephen has started the NEW series which will go for the next couple of months and we’ll be going through the gospel of John.

Traditionally this is our missions month. All of us are called by God to participate and we are all on mission together.

Let’s continue to pray for 2 people a day for 2 minutes to Meet Jesus.

If you have someone in your life who is asking questions, or is seeking answers, then invite them along to Meet Jesus—enjoy a meal together and look at a verse from John in the bible as a small group. Sunday's 6pm August and September.

Pastor Stephen looked at John 1: 1-18

Check out Marion Church of Christ’s Youtube channel for all the services. Attached is the link to last Sunday’s service—immerse yourself in the worship, communion and sermon.
