
Sunday 30 June and MarionLIFE Month concludes for 2024

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30 June, 2024Stephen ScottMarionLIFE Month

Welcome to Sunday's sermon - which was a little different last Sunday because we concluded MarionLIFE Community Services month with a Panel discussion about MarionLIFE - who they are and what they do.

The mission here at MCC - Discovering Jesus | Valuing People | Building Community

Our connections with MarionLIFE from it's inception to it's place in our community now, are reflected in our mission here at MCC.

There are many ways that we can be involved - the hands and feet - wherever God leads you.

Catch up or rewatch the Worship, Praise, Communion and MarionLIFE Panel from Sunday 30 June 10am Service.

Next week we have Aaron Gully preaching on The Word, so come along inperson or online to hear what he has to share.


Church Office Team