Welcome to this week's Friendly Word Newsletter
Please join us this Sunday as we gather at the 10am Family Service with Pastor Stephen Scott around The Word on the Gospel of John and again at BBQ Church 6pm with Sacred Heart College - God's house will be filled with joy and music from students and their families. Come along to celebrate and welcome our visitors to MCC.
Plus catchup with one another after the 10am service for a cuppa and chat - there's always a yummy cookie to try.
Check out the 'What's On' section in the Friendly Word.
See you on Sunday inperson or online :)
Church Office Team
Discover Jesus Value People Build Community
Welcome to the weekly MCC Newsletter
Grab a cup of tea and sit down to enjoy the MCC Newsletter.
There's lots of information about what's planned for 2025.
Come on Sunday 10am for the Summer Sermon Series : Summer in the Psalms
We look forward to seeing you in person and online.
The Church Office
Discovering Jesus Valuing People and Building Community
Happy New Year and Welcome to the weekly MCC Newsletter
Grab a cup of tea and sit down to enjoy the MCC Newsletter.
There's lots of information about what's planned for 2025 with start dates of groups and beach church etc.
Come on Sunday 10am to hear Pastor Stephen continue in the Summer Sermon Series : Summer in the Psalms
We look forward to seeing you in person and online.
The Church Office
Discovering Jesus Valuing People and Building Community
Hello folks,
Thank you to everyone who was a part of the Community Christmas Market and Carols for 2024.
We appreciate and value your time, energy and faithful service to welcome our Community in and connect with the message that 'Hope has a name' in Jesus.
Have a good read of the Friendly Word - lots to update you on.
This Sunday we start the combined 10am services, so we look forward to seeing you inperson or online as we continue towards Christmas.
Don't forget to check out the Marion Church of Christ You Tube Channel and watch the 2024 Carols - share with family and friends.
The Church Office