Hello and Welcome to our weekly Newsletter.
Well the days are certainly longer - it also takes a little while for us to adjust to the change in time. Kids want to stay up longer, animals are confused and then the mornings are different too because it's darker again.
Change affects us all in different ways but God doesn't change.
The Bible clearly tells us that God is unchanging. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Malachi 3:6 says, “I am the Lord, and I do not change…” While everything around us is changing, we can depend on God continually showing us His grace, love, and compassion.
Come along to our Sunday services at 10am and 6pm. We look forward to seeing you for worship and enjoying a chat after the 10am service for a cuppa and chat - there's always a yummy cookie to try or during Cafe Church.
See you there!
Church Office Team
Welcome to the weekly MCC Newsletter
Grab a cup of tea and sit down to enjoy the MCC Newsletter.
There's lots of information about what's planned for 2025.
Come on Sunday 10am for the Summer Sermon Series : Summer in the Psalms
We look forward to seeing you in person and online.
The Church Office
Discovering Jesus Valuing People and Building Community
Happy New Year and Welcome to the weekly MCC Newsletter
Grab a cup of tea and sit down to enjoy the MCC Newsletter.
There's lots of information about what's planned for 2025 with start dates of groups and beach church etc.
Come on Sunday 10am to hear Pastor Stephen continue in the Summer Sermon Series : Summer in the Psalms
We look forward to seeing you in person and online.
The Church Office
Discovering Jesus Valuing People and Building Community
Hello folks,
Thank you to everyone who was a part of the Community Christmas Market and Carols for 2024.
We appreciate and value your time, energy and faithful service to welcome our Community in and connect with the message that 'Hope has a name' in Jesus.
Have a good read of the Friendly Word - lots to update you on.
This Sunday we start the combined 10am services, so we look forward to seeing you inperson or online as we continue towards Christmas.
Don't forget to check out the Marion Church of Christ You Tube Channel and watch the 2024 Carols - share with family and friends.
The Church Office