
Friendly Word Newsletter Sunday 27 October 2024

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25 October, 2024

Hello and Welcome to our weekly Newsletter.

Come along to our Sunday services at 10am Pastor Stephen Scott bringing the Word on Colossians along with Kids@Marion Term 4 programs.

We look forward to seeing you for worship and enjoying a chat after the 10am service for a cuppa and chat - there's always a yummy cookie to try. 

PLUS come along to BBQ Church with Immanuel College Band joining us for a spectacular evening of music and energy at 6pm.

Don't forget to come on Thursday afternoon for the Community Light Party here in the CarPark. It's going to be fun hanging out together with our community so plan to come for a sausage, a cuppa, lots for kids to do and enjoy. Thank you to the wonderful team of volunteers who will be involved.

Remember : The Roster Survey is out to 'Join a Team' is out and includes the special events that we have coming up.

Check out the 'What's On' section in the Friendly Word

  • MumCo event
  • Annual Reports - get your leadership report in 
  • AGM
  • Community Market & Carols
  • Christmas Services

See you there!

Church Office Team

More From 'Newsletters'

Friendly Word Newsletter Sunday 22 Dec 2024

Hello folks,

Thank you to everyone who was a part of the Community Christmas Market and Carols for 2024.

We appreciate and value your time, energy and faithful service to welcome our Community in and connect with the message that 'Hope has a name' in Jesus.

Have a good read of the Friendly Word - lots to update you on.

This Sunday we start the combined 10am services, so we look forward to seeing you inperson or online as we continue towards Christmas.

Don't forget to check out the Marion Church of Christ You Tube Channel and watch the 2024 Carols - share with family and friends.


The Church Office


Friendly Word Newsletter Sunday 8 Dec 2024

Welcome to the Friendly Word Newsletter for this week.

EXCITING NEWS! One week until our Annual Community Christmas Market and Carols. Practices are underway. Information about how you're helping are out but there's more room to participate. We thank each of you for your time and energy as we prepare for this wonderous time together. We encourage you all to come along - to bring friends or family as we celebrate Christmas as a church and community. Let's have standing room only :)

This Sunday we have the10am Family Service (with a Special Members meeting following) and 6pm Cafe Church - connect with one another, praise God in worship and listen to the Word from Pastor Stephen Scott.

Check out all the happenings in the FW as we finish up groups for the Christmas/Summer period.

It's a great time to pick up flyers for one of our major Community Events - Community Market and Carols here at MCC and the Christmas Services.

Again, invite your family, invite your friends and colleagues, share the Facebook posts - we'll be counting down soon! It'll be here before we know it and we hope to fill God's house and for everyone to hear the Good News of Jesus and celebrate Christmas together.

Check out all the details of how you can be a part of a bigger picture with a Christmas Mission Fundraising focus for the remainder of 2024 - the Compassion bank details are now attached.

See you on Sunday.


The Church Office


Friendly Word Newsletter Sunday 1 Dec 2024

Welcome to the Friendly Word Newsletter for this week.

December starts this Sunday - two weeks until our Annual Community Christmas Market and Carols. Practices are underway. Information about how you're helping out will be out on Monday. We thank each of you for your time and energy as we prepare for this wonderous time together. We encourage you all to come along - to bring friends or family as we celebrate Christmas as a church and community. Let's have standing room only :)

This Sunday we have the10am Family Service (with a Special Members meeting following) and 6pm Cafe Church - connect with one another, praise God in worship and listen to the Word with Pastor Stephen Scott and how you can be a part of a bigger picture with a Christmas Mission Fundraising focus for the remainder of 2024.

Check out all the happenings in the FW - Check out the news in the Governing Council (Elder) section.

See you on Sunday.


The Church Office
