Welcome to term 4, the last one for the year!
I hope all is well and you guys all had great school holidays.
This term we are welcoming the new year 6's to join us as they prepare to transition to high school and make this space feel at home for them.
We are thankful to our youth leaders, Amelia, Brenton, Dan, Ian and Nat for their support weekly serving and loving the kids. Also, we are thankful to Collin and Katherine who drive the kids home every Friday night, we cannot run our bus drop off without them. We are so grateful to all the volunteers who cook the food for our kids every Friday and stays and helps out in the kitchen every Friday night.
The program for Element Youth is attached.
See you there
Pastor Stephen Lim
Young people of Adelaide! THIS SATURDAY!
Interactive QnA Topic: How to FLOURISH as FAMILY
Let's gather together AGAIN across churches to share a light supper, worship our good God, engage in panel discussion, meet other young people and flourish!
Saturday October 12 at Marion Church of Christ (Cnr of Marion Rd & Alawoona Ave, Mitchell Park)
6:30pm - 8:00pm (6pm coffee/supper for $5!)
Bring along a friend, and we'll see you there!
- Marion Church of Christ, CityReach Marion & Marion Vineyard
- Feel free to share to friends and family with young adults.
Church Office
Governing Council (Elder) Nomination Forms have been out for a couple of weeks,
Please prayerfully consider who you can identify as having the necessary skills, faith and leadership qualities to be a part of this important role.
Elders shall be Members who have been in good standing for a reasonable period as determined by the Ministry Team and Governing Council.
Signed (nominating person) .........................................................
I have prayerfully considered the nomination and I am willing to stand for selection as an Elder.
Signed (nominee) ..................................................................................
The form needs to be signed by the person nominated.
Please return the form in an envelope marked “Governing Council Selection Committee” by Wed 16 October 2024 by placing in the “Church Office” box located under the pigeon holes in the Church foyer.
The GC Selection Committee values your prayerful support both for the nominee and the selection process.
Become part of our team December 2024 through to February 2025 ... Make a valuable difference to people’s lives in our community.
Our volunteers come from a diverse range of backgrounds, and bring with them a wide range of experiences and skill-sets.
Our volunteers are valued not only by us, but by those they support.
As a volunteer, you can choose from a range of flexible options that are tailored to suit your skills, interests and availability.
Coming up we have some special events teams as well as our regular weekly teams.
Community Light Party - celebrating Light overcoming Darkness that Jesus brings to the world as families are walking around the neighbourhood for Halloween. Free BBQ along with tea/coffee, biscuits and activities for families.
Community Market and Christmas Carols - What a wonderful time to celebrate as a church and community. Inviting stall operators to come along and join the celebrations. Staying on for Christmas Carols we all know and love!
Sundays - being a part of the team that make Sunday services flow smoothly from welcoming people to church, to morning tea, AV, Sound and the Music Team
Flower Power - collecting flowers on Friday, creating arrangements made by our dedicated arrangers and then delivering by our team of drivers each Saturday.
Element Youth - great community of youth that gather on Fridays of school term. Join the team of kitchen helpers and leaders.
Good Gear Op Shop - providing low cost affordable quality clothing for our community
Side Gate Cafe - in recess currently - more information out in due course
All volunteers are required to have a Working With Children Check. We are happy to assist with the online process if required.
A survey is attached for you to look over the different teams and options available to participate in.
We look forward to hearing from you and having a chat.
Everyone's Welcome
Come along to Friendship Club 1pm
Enjoy the conversation, sharing of positive memories and experiences, join in with some songs and afternoon tea.
Hope you all had a great long weekend and enjoyed catching up with friends and family, or even taking time to just rest and rejuvenate.
We look forward to seeing you back for Cafe Church this Sunday 13 October, 2024.
Church Office Team
We invite you all to join us as we gather for prayer tonight.
Come - YOU are welcome! Stay after Cafe Church! 3rd Sunday of the Month Feb - Nov 7.30-8.30pm
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”
As a church one of our core values is connecting with God through prayer and worship.
With your church family, we gather together to lift up needs in the church and around the world, believing God is going to move in mighty ways.
Let's pray with faith that the Lord will help us in every area of our lives! Reach out to us, if you are unable to make it onsite and would like the link to the Zoom connection.
God Bless, see you there!
MarionLIFE presents our inaugural quiz night! This is your chance to help Back the Future, which you want to see in our community. There'll be all your usual quiz night glory - BBQ, coffee, games, silent auction and prizes. PLUS, a bake sale and a surprise twist on the night!
So, bring your coins and your sense of fun!!
Friday, 25 October at 6pm
Marion Church of Christ
Doors open at 6pm for BBQ, with the quiz starting at 7pm.
Tickets are $15 each, or $120 for a table. To book your ticket, click on the link attached.
For more details about Quiz Night, please contact us at 82770304, ask for
Kit, Relationship and Fundraising Coordinator or email info@marionlife.org.au
This is our last Friday of the 3rd term; time is going quickly!
We are going to have a great night, with the youth creating their pizza masterpiece.
We will have, an ice breaker, praise and worship, mini-message, and games for the night.
We are excited and cannot wait!