16 September, 2024

Gather - Leadership Conference Churches of Christ SANT

Saturday 19 October, 9am - 4pm

Aldgate Church of Christ, 54 Strathalbyn Rd, Aldgate

Cost: $55

Registration includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea as well as tea and coffee throughout the day.

Our theme is ‘Revitalise’ as we look forward to coming together with all leaders from across the movement to worship and learn, encouraging one another.

Jon Owen, CEO and Pastor at Wayside Chapel is our guest speaker. Jon brings over 20 years’ experience in social work, community development and outreach. He leads Wayside Chapel in Sydney’s King Cross, which supports those experiencing homelessness, addiction and mental health, with a mission of creating community of no ‘us and them’.

Further event details including workshop topics will be shared soon.

All leaders, irrespective of experience or role are invited to attend.

4 September, 2024

Element Youth Friday 6 September 2024

Element Youth have enjoyed themselves last Friday night racing on table track car race off-site.

A BIG thank you to Brett and Helen inviting us for this night and extend an invite that this can be annual car racing for Element Youth!

Thank you for all the parents dropping and picking up their kids at the venue. We missed the other youth that couldn't be there on the night. We hope you guys are ok.

This Friday, we have Video Games night with praise and worship and mini-bible study.

We have the old Wii, PS2 and Super Nintendo games for the youth, we have classic video games for the night to play. We are also playing a bit of birthday games as two of our youth are celebrating their birthday this week. We will have ice cream cake on the night.

We cannot wait!

The bus is back on the road for the youth to get drop off and we have an amazing driver and helper to take them home on the night.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a prayer needs or need to chat.

3 September, 2024

Friendship Club cancelled for September back in October

Unfortunately Friendship Club has had to be cancelled next week on Thurs 12 September due to unforeseen circumstances,

but we look forward to recommencing on Thurs 10 October 1pm.

Watch this space!

2 September, 2024

Looking forward ... Community Light Party - Thursday 31 October 4-7pm

We are hosting a Light Party on the eve of Halloween Thurs 31 October here at Marion Church of Christ.

Connecting with our community as they wander the neighbourhood.

We'll have sausage sizzle, coffee, cool drinks, food, music, photo booth, games for kids and teens.

Wonderful family atmosphere - come and pop in for a free sausage to fill your tummies.

Mums and Dads, we'll have chairs out so you can stop a while and rest your weary feet.

Come along and invite some friends - for young and old to enjoy!

12 February, 2024

Music Team Practice and Worship Nights 2024

Music Team practices are 4th Thursday of the month.

We are back in the auditorium for Practices and Worship sessions starting 25th April tbc @ 7.30pm

(no practice on 28th March - Come along to Service of Shadows)

It's going to be fun hanging out together, praising God and worshipping with one another!

If you play an instrument or love to sing, then let us know or 8277 7388

“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

6 February, 2024

Young adults on tonight Tues 6 Feb 7-9pm

Renew Young Adults on tonight Tues 6 February 7-9pm 2024

gathering in the MCC lounge.

Week 2 Term 1 starting the Max Lucado DVD series

Jesus the God Who Knows Your Name

Session 1 God with Us

All young adults (18+) are welcome - come along and join the conversation, enjoy food, connect with other young adults in the community.

24 January, 2024

MarionLIFE E-news January 2024

Welcome to 2024!


We are pleased to be offering the following Programs at MarionLIFE:

- Adult Community Education Courses

- Garden Tool Library

- AOD Counselling by Life Without Barriers

- Marion Mugs (Coffee and Chat Group)

- Boost Business Incubator

- MarionLIFE Youth (Drop In + Events)

- *Brekky – watch this space*

- Budget Support & Financial Counselling by

- Refugee Support by ARA - Arabic and Spanish Speaking Case Managers

- Uniting Communities

- Christmas Day Lunch

- Tax Help

- The Neighbourhood Project

- Community Connections

- Volunteering

- Community Garden

- Walking Group

- Community Meal

- Women’s Legal Service SA

- Emergency Relief

- Women Together (Group for all Women)

For more information about each program or to find out more about volunteering, please contact us by phone 8277 0304 or email

We kindly invite you to follow our social media accounts to stay connected with our programs and activities. To view our social media accounts, please visit the following links: MarionLIFE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.


We are no longer holding Brekky for Blokes on Fridays, but we’re excited to share that it will be re-launching on Tuesday morning and open to all. The first Brekky on Tuesday is scheduled for Tuesday morning 13 February – watch this space for more details soon!


All MarionLIFE services are made possible by kind-hearted volunteers generously giving of their time and passion to serve others – if you would like to give back to the community, please let us know! MarionLIFE welcomes expressions of interest for the following volunteer vacancies:

- Emergency Relief Receptionist

- Brekky Program Front of House

- Garden Tool Library

- The Neighbourhood Project

For more details about the volunteer role, please visit

Alternatively, to express your interest in volunteering roles please contact us directly by phone 82770304 or email


MarionLIFE Community Services Inc. appreciates and acknowledges the connection and support of the following groups who have provided financial, in-kind or other connection and support in the last 12 months allowing us to continue our work, providing meaningful, flexible and responsive care, support and pathways to individuals and families in need.

- Anglicare SA

- Ascot Park Primary School

- Life Without Barriers

- Lions Club of Edwardstown

- Australia Post

- Lions Club of Marion City

- Australian Refugee Association

- Louise Miller-Frost MP

- Baptist Care SA

- Beaumont Tiles

- Blue Bird Bakery

- Marion Church of Christ

- Marion-Warradale Uniting Church

- Monteverdi Singers

- CareWorks SA

- Morialta Trust

- Carthew Foundation

- Nadia Clancy MP

- City of Marion

- Oaklands Estate Kindergarten

- Centrelink

- Officeworks Marion

- Clovelly Park Primary School

- OzHarvestSA

- Coles Park Holme

- Park Holme Library

- Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church

- Patritti Wines

- Community Centres SA

- Coopers Foundation

- Corner Uniting Church

- Cove Civic Centre

- Danks Trust

- Department for Education

- Department of Human Services SA

- Department of Premier Cabinet / Premier of SA

- Department of Social Services

- Edwardstown Lodge No. 168 – Freemasons

- Elizabeth South Community Centre

- Emmaus Christian College

- Foodbank SA

- Hindu Society of SA


- Good360 Australia

- Good Shepherd Microfinance

- Inner Wheel Holdfast Marion

- Junction Australia

- SA Council of Social Service

- Share the Dignity

- Smartgroup Foundation

- Spendless Shoes

- St Elizabeth’s Anglican Church

- StreetSmart Australia

- Sunedin Specialist School

- The Village Co.

- Temple Christian College Marion

- TerryWhite Chemmart Marion

- Tonsley Future Energy Consortium

- Tonsley Village

- Toward Home Alliance

- UnitingCare Wesley Bowden

- Uniting Communities

- Volunteer SA&NT

- Westpac Foundation

- Women’s Legal Service SA

- Wyatt Trust / Lions Club of Richmond

Thank you also to the many individuals who support our work through financial and in-kind donations. You can support MarionLIFE this year by making a donation online here or by dropping off non-perishable food and hygiene items at our centre at 877 Marion Rd, Mitchell Park.

18 January, 2024

Volunteering for the Sunday Roster and through the week

Being a part of our community here at Marion Church of Christ is an integral part of following God's direction in our day to day.

We encourage you to prayerfully seek God's guidance and wisdom on how you can be a part the workings of our church.

Whether it be on Sundays or during the week at the many different groups and activities that operate.

We thank you, if you already volunteer, for what you are doing and the way in which you serve.

We pray that God richly blesses you as you seek to bless others.

If you haven't yet availed of the opportunity, serving and participating are fabulous ways to connect in with our Church Family. There are many opportunities to serve and participate here at MCC and if you would like more info, please don't hesitate to contact the Church Office - we would love to hear from you!

All too soon we need to prepare another roster. We really need to hear from you as soon as you are able to with your unavailability dates to help that happen.

Each volunteer needs to have a Working with Children Check - which we can assist with too. It's a 10 minute process, just ring 8277 7388 or the office to make an appt and bring 100 points of ID and you are on your way to volunteering.

Below is the link to the form to identify the ways that you can serve on any given Sunday at either 10am or 6pm or both and /or during the week, plus a place to indicate when you are unavailable for March through May 2024.

Now is the time to check your plans and diaries.

Looking forward to hearing from you all asap or by no later than Wednesday 21st February.

8 January, 2024

Safe Environments for Children and Young People -

Marion Church of Christ will conduct an accredited Safe Environments training helping our organisation to:

· support our staff and volunteers to recognise, report and respond to children or young people who may be at risk of harm, and

· build our capacity to provide child safe environments.

If you are volunteering or working in spaces where you’ll be in contact with children or teenagers you may be due to update with a Refresher course.

People who haven’t done this training before and are new to this area, will need to complete a Full Day course.

Marion Church of Christ Training is an approved provider of Safe Environments for Children and Young People - 'Through Their Eyes' with Pastor Sonya Bertram an accredited facilitator.

If you are due for renewal:

Sunday 18 February Refresher 12noon - 2.30pm

If you are new to this training: are starting or considering work, or volunteering, in a workspace with children, you will need to complete the full day course

Saturday 24 February Full Day 9.30am - 4.00pm

Bring your own lunch or money to purchase locally


Corner Alawoona Ave & Marion Rd, MITCHELL PARK

COST: Free for MCC/ML volunteers

$10 for other participants to cover materials

Tea/Coffee/Water provided

RSVP: To register or for more info: 8277 7388 or
