
Depression and nausea, homeless.

Submitted by 0 on 14 July, 2024

None of my family are Christians. They hate God and Christianity.

I’m homeless. Are you free to pray at all about it? My family just won’t help me and I can’t work yet. I woke up with severe food poisoning again. They moved me back to an airbnb.

Can you please pray over the Airbnb I’m in. To cleanse it spiritually and physically. Do you mind pls praying over the airbnb I am in , room, bathroom, again? That might fix it. I tried it and said all the prayers you sent me but there’s still something making me sick. It’s like a heaviness in my ears and head, making it all blocked. It’s as soon as I come in this room, maybe it’s how it is built. But also, not entirely clean. It has all those red indian artifacts etc.

I’m being moved so often, I’m so sick and the surfaces are never clean. It’s so bad for my head injury. I can’t rest. I couldn’t get up for church. I’m just so sick again with vomiting, diarrhoea nausea dizziness, non stop two weeks now.

I need to find an afternoon/ evening church. Sorry to bother you.


Submitted by 0 on 12 July, 2024

Please pray for family friends. Jenny. People GOd loves prayer for. LOVE. All things prayer for. No possession, only from GOD. Doing all things right. Wellness. Educations. Work. Finances. JM. JB. Wisdom. Hearing from GOD. ABBA us. THANK YOU.


Submitted by Simone Blanche on 7 July, 2024

Please pray for ISRAEL. People. For those God loves prayer for. LOVE AHAVA. HEBREW things. Hearing from You ABBA. Voices. What is happening to me and others. MINISTRY. CHURCH. BIBLE COLLEGES. WORK. Blessings. Finances. ABBA us. Prayer about everything. THANK YOU JEHOVAH love you all.

Back pain

Submitted by Jane on 6 July, 2024

Life suddenly got so hard the last two years and I don’t know how to fix it.

I have extremely bad lower back pain and can’t move.

I have the flu and chest infection.

I feel really scared and fearful.


Submitted by Simone Blanche on 6 July, 2024

Please pray for Israel. Protection. People's health and prosperity. Purity. Innocence. Make good all You LOVE LORD GOD. Sexual issues. Energy. Looking like ABBA. Weight loss. Fit healthy. Up early. Prayers for people. Scripture. To hear from ADONAI. Filled with ABBA's spirit. Wombs and parts. Good catch. Husbands and wives. Fertility. Children. Time in the WORD. Time with God. MINISTRY. CHURCH. BIBLE COLLEGES. Made right with GOD. Finances. Knowing GOD and His WORD well. LOVE. Greater gifts. Prophecy. VOICES. Blessings. All things Prayer for. THANK YOU JEHOVAH love you all.


Submitted by Simone Blanche on 6 July, 2024

Please pray for Israel. Protection. People's health and prosperity. Purity. Innocence. Make good all You LOVE LORD GOD. Sexual issues. Energy. Looking like ABBA. Weight loss. Fit healthy. Up early. Prayers for people. Scripture. To hear from ADONAI. Filled with ABBA's spirit. Wombs and parts. Good catch. Husbands and wives. Fertility. Children. Time in the WORD. Time with God. MINISTRY. CHURCH. BIBLE COLLEGES. Made right with GOD. Finances. Knowing GOD and His WORD well. LOVE. Greater gifts. Prophecy. VOICES. Blessings. All things Prayer for. THANK YOU JEHOVAH love you all.

Stomach nausea

Submitted by Jane on 5 July, 2024

I have bad food poisoning.

My dad’s and my own eyes both need healing. So do my mum’s and sister’s eyes please.

We are all also very overweight and fat. We are greedy and don’t exercise, eat junk food and don’t cook well. We have high blood pressure and we are greedy.


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